April's booklist is all about books from other places. Books in translation can often be wonderful or they can magestically disappoint. If a translation is not done well the syntax can be lost and even the most poetic novel rendered a bore. Thus, this month is all about commiting to exploring books that have been transformed.
The new books for the month are:
How we are Hungry
The Inheritance of Loss
Le Grand Meaulnes
Therese Raquin
- Life at the Marmont by Raymond Sarlot
- Nightingale Wood by Stella Gibbons
- The Complete Short Stories of Truman Capote by Truman Capote
- In My Shoes by Tamara Mellon
- The Untouchable by John Branville
- The Chemistry of Tears by Peter Carey
- I am Dandy by Rose Callahan
- The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber by Mel Gordon
- The Freudian Slip by Marion Von Adlerstein
- The World According to Karl Lagerfeld by Karl Lagerfeld
- The Flying Mannequin by Freddy
- Memos The Vogue Years by Diana Vreeland
- Risotto with Nettles by Anna del Conte
- Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof
- The Society of Timid souls by Polly Morland
- C.Z. Guest: American Style Icon by Susanna Salk
- Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt by Amanda Mackenzie Stuart
- Junky by William Burroughs
- The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolf
- Confessions of an English Opium Eater
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- The Philosophy of Andy Warhol by Andy Warhol
- The Virgin and the Gipsy by D.H. Lawrence
- Secrets of a Fashion Therapist by Betty Halbreich
- Deviant Love by Sigmund Freud
- Seriously...I'm Kidding by Ellen Degeneres
- Solar by Ian McEwan