Tuesday, 1 April 2014

April Booklist

April's booklist is all about books from other places. Books in translation can often be wonderful or they can magestically disappoint. If a translation is not done well the syntax can be lost and even the most poetic novel rendered a bore. Thus, this month is all about commiting to exploring books that have been transformed.
The new books for the month are: 
How we are Hungry
The Inheritance of Loss
Le Grand Meaulnes
Therese Raquin

  1. Life at the Marmont by Raymond Sarlot
  2. Nightingale Wood by Stella Gibbons
  3. The Complete Short Stories of Truman Capote by Truman Capote
  4. In My Shoes by Tamara Mellon
  5. The Untouchable by John Branville
  6. The Chemistry of Tears by Peter Carey
  7. I am Dandy by Rose Callahan
  8.  The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber by Mel Gordon
  9. The Freudian Slip by Marion Von Adlerstein
  10. The World According to Karl Lagerfeld by Karl Lagerfeld
  11. The Flying Mannequin by Freddy
  12. Memos The Vogue Years by Diana Vreeland 
  13. Risotto with Nettles by Anna del Conte
  14. Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof
  15. The Society of Timid souls by Polly Morland
  16. C.Z. Guest: American Style Icon by Susanna Salk
  17. Consuelo and Alva Vanderbilt by Amanda Mackenzie Stuart  
  18. Junky by William Burroughs
  19. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolf
  20. Confessions of an English Opium Eater
  21. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  22. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol by Andy Warhol
  23. The Virgin and the Gipsy by D.H. Lawrence
  24. Secrets of a Fashion Therapist by Betty Halbreich
  25. Deviant Love by Sigmund Freud
  26. Seriously...I'm Kidding by Ellen Degeneres
  27. Solar by Ian McEwan